Cookie Policy

1.   Scope of the Document

This cookie policy discusses on how Chain-Sys Corporation(USA), Chain-Sys (India) Pvt Ltd, and Chain-
Sys Software Exports Pvt Ltd, collectively referred to as ChainSys Group (hereinafter referred to in this
document as ‘ChainSys’) use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website.
This policy discusses what this technology is and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use
of them.
This policy may be updated anytime by any amendment in this policy or any change in the pattern and
types if cookies used.

2.   What are Cookies

A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit any
website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows your site to recognize your browser. Cookies may
store user preference and other information in order to improve user experience.
Cookies provide a convenient feature to save your time or tell the web server that you have returned to our
website or any specific page of our website. For example, if you had registered for any subscription
service, a cookie helps you to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. When you return to the
same website, the information that you had previously provided can be retrieved and helps you in using the
customized features easily.
Cookies set by the website owner (here by ChainSys) are called as “First party cookies”. Cookies set by
parties other than the owner are called “Third party cookies”. Third party cookies enable third party features
or functionality to be provided on or through the website (e.g.: like advertising, interactive content, and
analytics). Third parties that set these cookies can recognize you when you visit our website and also other

3.   Types of cookies that we use and their purpose

This topic discusses specific types of cookies served through our websites and their purposes.
  • Temporary Cookies (Session or Technical cookies):  These cookies are limited to the visit
    and deleted when upon closure of the browser. Temporary cookies allow the user to access to
    personalized services and to take full advantage of site’s feature.
  • Persistent cookies:  These cookies are stored even after leaving our website or closing the
    browser. These cookies remain until their scheduled maturity or until they are manually
    deleted by the user.
  • Cookie of Analysis:   This cookie belongs to both temporary and permanent type. It collects
    aggregate information in a way related to behaviour of the user in our website and therefore
    improves the experience and the content provided. Information those collected in this way has
    no value for personal as data are collected and analyzed anonymously. We use cookies for
    Google analytics as discussed in this document.
Cookies used by ChainSys from Google Analytics and Google Adwords for measuring website usages are
as follows:
  • Analytics and customization cookies:  These cookies collect information that is used either
    in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used and how effective our
    marketing campaigns are, and also helps us to customize our website for better user
  • Advertising cookies:  These cookies are helpful in making our advertising messages more
    relevant to our website visitors and customers. They are useful in preventing the same
    advertisement from continuously reappearing, ensuring that advertisements are properly
    displayed for advertisers, and in some cases selecting advertisements based on customer’s
  • Essential cookies:   Some cookies are required for technical reasons for ChainSys website to
    operate are referred as “Essential” or “Strictly necessary” cookies. There are also other
    cookies which enable us to track interests of our customers or users to enhance the
    experience on our website and available subscription services. For example, ChainSys keeps
    track of the pages that you visit within our website to determine which portion of the website or
    available subscription service is most popular and vice versa. This data is used to deliver
    customized content and promotions within ChainSys website and available subscription
    service to customers or users whose behaviour indicate that they are interested in particular
    subject area.
  • Third Party cookies:   Third parties serve cookies through our website for advertising,
    analytics and other purposes. These companies may use information about user’s visits to
    ChainSys and other websites to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services
    that user may be interested. They may also employ technologies that are used to measure
    effectiveness of the advertisements. This can be accomplished by them using cookies or web
    beacons. Information collected by this process DO NOT enable ChainSys or them to identify
    user’s any personally identifiable information.

4.   Controlling cookies

In general, by browsing our website means users CONSENT to the above mentioned cookie use. By
default, browsers will generally accept the use of cookies both coming from our site and from third party
websites. Users have the right to accept or reject the cookies. Users can exercise their cookie preferences
by clicking on the appropriate opt-out links provided by the browsers.
Users can set or amend web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. If the user chooses to refuse
cookies, the user may still use ChainSys website to access some functionality, but some areas of our
website may be restricted. The means of refusing cookies will vary from browser to browser and to get
more information about it, the user can visit browser help menu.
If there are any questions regarding our cookie policy, please contact us &

5.   Updating Cookies

We may update our cookie policy from time to time according to our needs and requirements for other
operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. We therefore recommend our users to revisit our cookie policy
regularly and stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies. The date displayed at the
begin of this document indicated when our cookie policy was last updated.

Changing your browser settings

You can accept or reject some or all cookies (for example, blocking all third-party cookies) by adjusting your
browser settings. If you do not know how to do this, the links below set out information about how to change
your browser settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers:
Some browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, allow you to change your settings to browse in 'incognito' mode,
limiting the amount of data placed on your machine and automatically deleting any persistent cookies placed on your device when you finish your browsing session. There are also many third-party applications which you can add to your browser to block or manage cookies.

Clearing existing cookies

To clear cookies that have previously been placed on your browser, you should select the option to clear your
browsing history and ensure that the option to delete or clear cookies is included when you do so.

How do I enable/disable the use of Cookies?

Cookies are supported by most web browsers. But there are a number of different ways in which you can
accept or reject some or all cookies. Some of the main methods to disable/enable the use of cookies are
described below.
You are welcome to block the use of some or all the cookies we use on our website. However, please be aware
that doing so may impair our website and its functionality or may even render some or all of it unusable.
Please note that disabling cookies will make it impossible to set new cookies. However, it does not prevent
previously set cookies from continuing to work on your device until you have cleared all cookies in your browser settings.
You should also be aware that clearing all cookies from your browser will also delete any cookies that are
storing your preferences, for example, whether you have accepted cookies on a website or any cookies that
are blocking other cookies.
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